IM Motors, a Chinese car company, has shown off a new electric car that can park sideways. It's like a magic trick on wheels.

Car makers have been offering self-parking systems for a while now. But IM Motors has taken it a step further. Their new technology lets the car move sideways into a parking spot.

Here's how it works: The driver turns the steering wheel to the left after the passenger gets out. Then, the front wheels turn left and spin forward, while the rear wheels turn right and spin backward. This makes the car slide sideways into the parking space.

A video popped up on Chinese social media showing this neat trick. In a parking garage, we see a camouflaged electric car prototype. A woman gets out of the passenger side with some flowers. The door closes, and then the car smoothly glides sideways into a parking spot.

The car in the video looks a lot like IM Motors' L6 electric sedan in shape and size. But it's covered in camouflage, so it could be a new version of the L6 or maybe a completely different model.

We don't know yet when or if regular folks will be able to buy a car with this sideways parking feature. But if it catches on, the days of struggling with parallel parking might be over.

Source: IT Home