Ford Motor Company has filed a patent for a system that could bring targeted advertising to vehicles. The system works similarly to online advertising, using data to determine ad type and frequency.

Ford's proposed system will use various data points to serve ads. These include the vehicle's destination, route, speed, travel history, location, traffic conditions, and the type of road being driven on. The system will also assess user interaction by monitoring in-car conversations to understand the occupants' tolerance for ads.

The system shows adaptive behavior. When there's dialogue between passengers, it will reduce the number of ads. In a quiet cabin, it might play an audio ad. However, this raises privacy concerns as the system could potentially listen for keywords indicating the destination.

This concept draws comparisons to online advertising, where ads often subsidize free services. Google, for example, offers free email, word processing, and cloud storage in exchange for user data.

While the patent has been filed, it's uncertain whether Ford will implement this system. If they do, future Ford vehicles might pay for themselves through ads. Only time will tell if this "privacy nightmare" becomes a reality.

Source: US Patent and Trademark Office