Latvia has already handed over 612 cars confiscated from drivers who were driving under the influence of alcohol to Ukraine. The total value of the transferred vehicles is EUR 2.25 million, according to the State Revenue Service (VID).

On 16 February 2023, the Latvian Saeima adopted amendments to the law on support for Ukrainian civilians. The amendments allowed for the transfer to Ukraine of cars that had become the property of the state, including those confiscated from drunk drivers.

Cars confiscated by state authorities are usually put up for auction or dismantled for spare parts. However, the Latvian parliament decided to redirect such vehicles to Ukraine to support the war effort.

Since these changes came into force, the Latvian government has already made several decisions to transfer vehicles to Ukraine.

The first batch of confiscated vehicles was addressed to units of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and hospitals in several communities.

Source: Delfi