Tyre Extinguishers, a climate activism group from nine different nations across Europe, protested the increasing popularity of SUVs by airing out tires on street-parked automobiles.

Last night, six months after the launch of a campaign against SUVs, activists took covert action in countries including the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, the Czech Republic and Canada, the Guardian reports.

"Courageous citizens all over the world last night ... deflated tyres on at least 600 SUVs, exactly two months before the opening of the United Nations Cop27 climate summit in Egypt," the Tyre Extinguishers said. The group said the total was likely to rise, with more reports of actions expected.

The group saying that SUVs create "unnecessary 'luxury emissions,' flaunted by the wealthy, that are a climate disaster, cause air pollution and make roads more dangerous." The logic is that people living in European city centers have access to more Earth-friendly modes of transportation, like walking, using public transit, or choosing a smaller car or an electric vehicle.

Tyre Extinguishers targets tires specifically because they exist in a legal gray area. The metropolitan police in London were unsure if deflating a tire, without causing any other damage to the vehicle, could be counted as a crime.

SUV owners that have been targeted by Tyre Extinguishers aren't happy, to say the least. But those running a campaign vow to keep deflating tires until society moves away from its current SUV obsession.

Source: The Guardian