And the International Van of the Year Award 2023 goes to… the all-electric Volkswagen ID. Buzz Cargo.

The 24 member pan-European expert journalistic judging panel collectively awarded the new Volkswagen ID. Buzz 110 points, just ten marks ahead of its nearest challenger, the new Ford Pro E-Transit. The Renault Kangoo E-Tech Van, Nissan Townstar Zero-Emission & Mercedes-Benz eCitan were jointly placed in third position.

The other shortlisted candidates included new models from the Fiat Professional Doblò & Scudo ranges. Coincidentally, the three podium positions were filled by electrically powered vans.

"It's not too often that a totally new van concept comes around and immediately enters the marketplace. The new ID. Buzz is the case in point and has been duly honoured with this award, the highest accolade in the light commercial vehicle industry. Congratulations to Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle's design team on creating this unique vehicle that's perfect for the environmentally conscious urban environment. It certainly makes a statement with its futuristic and slick styling, yet harks back to the original Transporter T1, from 70 years ago, with its V shaped bonnet, prominent VW badge, and short overhangs", Jarlath Sweeney, Chairman, IVOTY said.

Volkswagen ID. Buzz is a battery electric minivan based on the dedicated battery electric MEB platform. It is the first production electric minivan from Volkswagen and part of the Volkswagen ID. series. The ID. Buzz Cargo is based on the short wheelbase version of ID. Buzz with a minimal number of seats and no rear window.

International Van of the Year started in 1992 as a spin-off of International Truck of the Year. The jury shall consist of one member from each country within Europe, plus Russia, 25 to date, involved in the election. The representation should come either from the editor of the leading LCV publication in each country or the leading journalist in that country that may or may not be with that publication but recognised by the industry as the leading LCV expert in that country.

Now in its 31st year, the main criteria for the International Van of the Year Award is the vehicles' contribution to the efficiency, safety, sustainability and environmental standards of the light commercial vehicle sector. To be eligible, the vehicle must be new, in series production by the end of the year for which it receives the award, and present a significant technological innovation.

Internal combustion versions of the Renault Kangoo Van & Mercedes-Benz eCitan won last year's IVOTY 2022 Award.

Source: IVOTY