Dubai is aiming to become a bike-friendly city with a proposed 93-km (57-mile) climate-controlled bicycle and pedestrian path, known as "The Loop." Designed by local firm Urb, the project aims to make cycling and walking the primary mode of transportation for the city's residents.

The Loop would be enclosed in a futuristic-looking glazed structure, elevated on stilts, with a climate-controlled interior powered by renewable energy sources. The path would be lined with greenery, pocket parks, sports facilities, and urban farming to make it a complete destination for walking, jogging, and cycling.

According to Urb's press release, "The Loop is planned to connect over 3 million residents to key services and locations by walking and cycling within minutes." Urb is working towards a goal of making cycling and walking the primary mode of transportation for more than 80% of Dubai's residents by 2040.

The project is currently in the research stage, and Urb says that the futuristic glazed structure would offer a "climate controlled all-year environment." While it may be a big ask, the Middle East has seen ambitious projects like the Burj Khalifa and the Line come to fruition, so only time will tell if The Loop will become a reality.

Source: New Atlas