Сегодня, 23 мая, состоялась премьера Peugeot 3008 нового поколения, презентация велась в прямом эфире. В основу модели легла модульная платформа EMP2 (также применена в Peugeot 308, Peugeot 408 и Citroen C4 Picasso), при этом она стала крупнее и “кроссовернее” предшественника, а также первой получила интерьер в фирменной стилистике i-Cockpit второго поколения.

В компании Peugeot новый 3008-й отнесли к сегменту кроссоверов С-класса. Автомобиль стал на 8 см длиннее предшественника, а также получил увеличенную на 6.2 см колёсную базу, в то время как ширина осталась без изменений. Габаритная длина автомобиля составляет 4.45 м, ширина - 1.84 м, высота (с учётом рейлингов) - 1.62 м, а размер колёсной базы равен 2.67 м. Заявленный дорожный просвет - 22 см. При этом благодаря новой “тележке” машина стала ощутимо просторнее, в частности расстояние между задними сидениями и спинками передних кресел увеличилось на 24 мм, а потолок над вторым рядом стал выше на 36 мм. Вдобавок к этому расстояние между локтями водителя и переднего пассажира увеличилось на 17 мм, а между локтями задних пассажиров - на 4 мм.

Объём багажника 3008-го со сменой поколений увеличился на 90 л - до 520 л (по стандарту VDA), а при сложенных спинках сидений второго ряда объём багажного отсека увеличивается до 1580 л. Интересно, что несмотря на все указанные изменения снаряженная масса автомобиля уменьшилась примерно на 100 кг, что должно положительно сказаться на топливной экономичности. В конструкции кузова сочетаются высокопрочные марки стали, пол багажника и пятая дверь сделаны с применением термопластика, а крылья, рычаги подвески и рама задних сидений отлиты из алюминия.   

В Peugeot также заявили, что все бензиновые двигатели нового 3008 демонстрируют лучшие показатели экономичности в своих классах. В Европе кроссовер будет предлагаться с 1.2-литровым мотором PureTech S&S мощностью 130 л.с., а также с двигателем 1.6 THP S&S, который развивает 165 л.с. В пару к начальному агрегату назначили 6-ступенчатую “механику” и "автомат" аналогичного диапазона. 165-сильный двигатель сочетается только с АКПП. Ещё будут четыре модификации дизельных двигателей BlueHDi S&S: объёмом 1.6 л (100 л.с. и 120 л.с.) и 2.0 л (150 л.с. и 180 л.с.). Показатели расхода топлива французы пока не указали. Привод пока только передний, полноприводные варианты будут с гибридными силовыми установками, которые появятся позже.

Интерьер нового Peugeot 3008 соответствует философии i-Cockpit в её второй итерации. Рулевое колесо срезано снизу и сверху и стало более компактным. Для заказа будет доступна цифровая приборная панель с 12.3-дюймовым дисплеем, у которого имеются 5 режимов работы, включая один настраиваемый.  А информация мультимедийной системы (с поддержкой Android Auto и Apple CarPlay) отображается на развёрнутом к водителю 8-дюймовом экране. В топовых комплектациях будет панорамная крыша, настраиваемая подсветка салона и “музыка” от французского бренда FOCAL. В перечень опций также войдет система аварийного торможения, функция слежения за полосой, автоматические адаптивные фары головного света, адаптивный круиз-контроль с возможностью остановки (на автомобилях с “автоматом”) при опасности столкновения, функция слежения за слепыми зонами, а также система кругового обзора Visio Park. 

Новый Peugeot 3008 будут выпускать во французском Сошо. Публичная презентация кроссовера состоится в октябре на автосалоне в Париже. В этом же месяце новинка поступит в продажу во Франции и на других крупных рынках Европы, а в Украине автомобиль появится в конце года. Стоимость пока не озвучивается.

New PEUGEOT 3008 : Advanced SUV


The new Peugeot 3008 has at last been unveiled. This long-awaited vehicle takes the C-SUV segment by storm, in a class of vehicles in full expansion across all regions of the globe. It takes on demanding customers looking for new and different experiences with a very strong hand. Whether by its spectacular latest-generation PEUGEOT i-Cockpit, by its exceptionally inspired design, by its optimised architectural efficiency or by its high-tech equipment, the new PEUGEOT 3008 SUV aims to assert itself from the off as a major player. It inaugurates for PEUGEOT a new SUV range for which it will be the worldwide emblem. The new PEUGEOT 3008 SUV will be the star of the PEUGEOT stand at the next Paris Motorshow where it will at last be presented to the public ahead of its worldwide launch.

When the new PEUGEOT 3008 arrives in the C SUV segment

For several years, across all segments, the SUV market is booming. In the European C-segment, still the biggest and most diverse, SUV sales have increased two and a half-fold since 2009 – the launch-date of the first generation of PEUGEOT 3008. Now, in Europe, all segments considered, one car in ten belongs to the SUV family.

A true incarnation of the modern automobile, stately, technological, creator of emotions and personal pleasure, the SUV enhances the standing of its driver and embodies values in keeping with its time. It is not only the realisation of a desire for personal expression but also a desire to demonstrate success, the looks from others reflecting ones own values.  Lastly, it shows adesire for escapism and new experiences, even if the imagined excursion into the wilderness with this vehicles remains strictly fantasy!

Because today’s drivers want a renewed driving experience from their cars. For travelling time,all too often these days seen as a chore, to become a time enriched by experiences, emotions and sharing.  An intuitive and sensory interaction with their machineas if the vehicle understands the needs of its occupants and could mould itself to them. A welcoming cabin that they can personalise to be as relaxing as their own home. And which vehicle best meets these desires? The “Sport Utility Vehicle” the SUV, the concept of which has even surpassed its title to forge its own myth.

All vehicle manufacturers have understood this, and a plethora of models is available worldwide. However, the experience of driving an SUV rarely comes up to expectations. The challenge facing PEUGEOT is therefore a major one: not only to incorporate all the characteristics of the segment but above all to deliver an incredibly consistent, modern, sleek and intelligent package. With the new PEUGEOT 3008, the brand wants to position itself from the off in the C SUV segment with an eminently desirable product consistent with its best know-how and its strategy of moving up-market. And this move up-market is confirmed first and foremost by the fitment as standard of the new PEUGEOT i-Cockpit®.


Breath-taking interior design

Getting into the new PEUGEOT 3008 SUV is to enter another world, surprising, original and oozing quality. A spectacular, almost futuristic dashboard immediately catches the eyeThis coherent and highly technological ensemble is the latest generation PEUGEOT i-Cockpit®, a novel concept that has rewritten the book on the car cockpit. Here, everything seems to be at the service of the pleasure and concentration of the driver in a pronouncedly high-tech niche.

The steering wheel is even more compact and has been redesigned with two flats to make it easier to grip and to afford the driver maximum visibility and legroom. The close attention paid to material choices and attention to detail – full hide leather from level 2, chrome inserts, gloss black trims – deliver a high level of perceived quality and attractiveness.

The large 8 touch-screen resembles a tablet installed in the centre of the dashboard and is equipped with capacitive technology for greater reactivity and practicality. It is accompanied bysix elegant piano-key “toggle switches” - giving direct and permanent access to the main control functions: radio, climate control, navigation, vehicle parameters, telephone and mobile applications.

The heads-up instrument unit unveils in series production a high-resolution 12.3” screenwith futuristic graphics. It can be completely configured and personalised, and brings together all that the driver could want in his field of view. Five different display modes – controlled from a knob on the steering wheel – allow the driver to configure the instrument unit “a la carte”. The « Personal » mode in particular, configured from the touch-screen, allows the driver to display a wide choice of information: copy of navigation instructions, driver aids, engine parameters, trip computer, route information etc. The visual impact of each setting is highlighted by a series of animations and transitions which are a treat for the eyes.

But this enhancement of the PEUGEOT i-Cockpit® doesn’t end there. Because pleasure is still one of PEUGEOT’s core values, it pushes the sensory boundaries even further. So, by a simple press of a special switch – next to the toggle switches – the  new PEUGEOT 3008 SUV calls up a true Master of Ceremonies to enhance the driving experience:  the i-Cockpit® Amplify. In this way, almost all the senses are immediately aroused:

  • Sight, by varying the brightness of the ambient lighting and the colour of the screens;
  • Hearing, via the musical equaliser settings;
  • Touch, via the multipoint massage embedded in the seats (up to five programmes);
  • Smell, via a fragrance diffuser.

(see detailed description on page 13)

Furthermore, as in the PEUGEOT 308, sight, touch and hearing can further enjoy the stunning features of the Driver Sport Pack.

(see detailed description on page 13)

So there is a veritable feast of sensations for the driver to experience, letting him go to the limit of his driving pleasure. Occupants get the immediate choice of two themes: the “Boost” theme aimed at a dynamic driving style, and the “Relax” theme for gentler driving. These two themes are entirely configurable so that the driver and passengers exceed the limits of pleasure, and make travelling on board truly unique and unforgettable.

This on-board experience is equally well served by the richness of the interior, actively contributing to the excellent sense of perceived quality and modernity felt in the cabin. Material choices are inspired and their appearance uncompromising. Here we will find leather, numerous touches of brushed chrome, large expanses of carbon or cloth decoration…. Textiles inspired by “home design” cover the door-card inserts, the headlining, the windscreen pillars and even some areas less commonly found in cars, such as the dashboard inlay….it’s all very modern and warm.


Inspired exterior design

The interior design of the new PEUGEOT 3008 is unique to the market. The design is successful and rich, and the on-board technology promises much.

This feeling is carried over to the outside. At first glance, the new PEUGEOT 3008 is striking and surprises by the strength of its character. The effect is strong, clear and self-evident: this is an SUV. The new PEUGEOT 3008 has adopted all the characteristics of this type of silhouette:

  • A vertical front end,
  • A long flat bonnet,
  • A high waist line,
  • Wide protective bands (bumper skirts, wheel arches, bottom of doors),
  • Large wheels,
  • Raised ground clearance,
  • Shaped roof bars,

But the new PEUGEOT 3008 SUV doesn’t just settle for incorporating these characteristics. It adds meaning and emotion whilst keeping in mind consistency. Because what you notice first about the vehicle is a sense of harmony, of well-balanced proportions, of just the right quantity of everything. A shape inspired by the boundless creativity of its designers.

The front end is certainly vertical, but also very powerful, giving off a feeling of strength, even of animal aggression. Its lines are clear, bold and balanced. The wide chrome-trimmed grille sets the tone. In its centre the Lion, correctly in proportion, neither too shy nor ostentatious, takes pride of place. A piercing feline look comes from the narrow halogen headlamps. It becomes sharper still when they are take on the (optional) full LED lamps. There are numerous wide open air intakes. The expressionism of this front end characterises the self-assurance of the owner and the sense of belonging to the brand. A true PEUGEOT!

The bonnet is certainly long and flat, but its styling lines convey a sense of strength. Beyond it the windscreen is more upright and positioned behind the line of the front axle, and it is flanked by chrome inserts sweeping back from the line of the headlamps. A nod to the HX1 concept car, this body-side design language lends a dynamic feel to the front end and further increases the standing and modernity of the vehicle.

The waist line is certainly raised, and there is a marked increase in the sheet metal/glass ratio,but the line is highlighted with elegance and fluidity, producing a slimmer profile. The upper surface of the bonnet flows into a crease incorporating the door handles and stretching out the line of the vehicle with finesse and style. It’s a superbly styled vehicle whose proportions give it a look less heavy and tall than the majority of its competitors. And how were the PEUGEOT styling team able to achieve this feat? Partly because they included – as an option from level 2 – a gloss black roof, highlighted by standard-fit stainless steel trims which stretches to the rear spoiler. This “Black Diamond” roof is a key styling feature in the design of the vehicle, lending it increased personality, dynamism, modernity and status.

The protection around the vehicle, its large wheels, roof bars, are certainly all there! – but executed with a canny mixture of character and sophistication. It all leads to a creative result that is extremely modern, even futuristic whilst avoiding pompous and torturous styling compromises.

The surprise continues at the rear, where again we find a clear and very modern design. Beneath the inclined rear window, a gloss black band incorporates the opalescent LED tail lamps. These feature the three essential claw-marks that make the PEUGEOT visual signature so clearly identifiable – at night as in daytime.

Whatever angle it is approached from, whoever sees the new SUV PEUGEOT 3008 for the first time is struck by the feeling of top-quality execution and of a high level of perceived quality. A multitude of factors contribute to this overall impression: the fine tolerance of gaps and fits, touches of chrome cleverly distributed all around the vehicle, two-tone bodywork etc. It’s attractive, well thought-out and tasteful. This “look” makes for the most fashionable SUV on the market.


A jubilant driving experience …

The reputation of the Lion brand in terms of driving experience is already well-established, the skill of the in-house development engineers is in repeatedly producing the most satisfying vehicles to drive, whatever their size. In the case of an SUV, the challenge is considerable: raised ride-height, high driving position, raised centre of gravity…In this class of vehicle, styling choices are often made to the detriment of driveability.

But in this case, right from the start, you can feel the magic. Irreproachable road-holding, precise steering, ride, a feeling of agility and safety, everything is there as it should be. Is it really magic? Of course not. This result is the product of long experience and of the most efficient and modern technology.

Thanks to the new EMP2 platform and to its renowned dynamic qualities, the new PEUGEOT 3008 achieves a balance between comfort and road holding hitherto completely unknown in the C SUV segment. Its suspension is tuned to each power-plant to achieve a ride fitting to the reputation of the Lion. Finally, it contributes to the virtuous circle of weight reduction giving improved fuel consumption, passive safety and performance.

The new PEUGEOT 3008 is a true SUV, but above all it’s a PEUGEOT! And like any true SUV it has genuine off-road capability, especially thanks to Advanced Grip Control.

This enhanced traction system utilises the following equipment:

  • optimised traction control with five grip levels (Normal, Snow, Mud, Sand, ESP OFF) controlled from a knob on the centre console;
  • specific tyre fitment 18’’ M+S (Mud & Snow);
  • Hill Assist Descent Control (HADC), a new descent assist function giving perfect and completely safe control over the vehicle and its path on steep slopes. The innovation in the system is that it can keep the vehicle to a very low speed (3 kph) bringing control and safety in supposedly anxiety-provoking situations. This function is controlled by a special button on the centre console.

The driver and passengers just have to sit back and enjoy the ride! Journeys on board, even the shortest and most day-to-day trips, are enriched with new discoveries. This new PEUGEOT is atrue invitation to travel, first-class, aided by excellent sound-insulation and numerous comfort features, most of which are above normal market levels:

  • body-hugging front seats both of which can receive as an option an 8-pocket pneumatic massage system
  • large panoramic sunroof fitted with a blind and illuminated rails
  • Premium FOCAL® Hi-Fi system from the major French audio brand

In an exclusive partnership with the top-end brand FOCAL®, PEUGEOT is able to offer as aworld first on any vehicle a factory-fitted Hi-Fi incorporating FOCAL® technology.

(see detailed description on page 14)


… supported by an arsenal of driver aids…

It is a joy to drive, a feeling amplified by the compact steering wheel, and the driver can make the most of the dynamic abilities of this SUV, especially thanks to the support of the numerous driver aids available to him. These latest generation ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) minimise any source of danger on the road through an arsenal of safety features:

  • Active Safety Brake and Distance Alert;
  • Active lane departure warning;
  • Driver attention warning
  • Automatic adaptive headlamp main-beam
  • Speed limit sign recognition and recommendation
  • Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop function (automatic gearboxes)
  • Active blind-spot monitoring

For city driving, the driver is also assisted with certain manoeuvers, by Visio Park (360° all-around vision) and the latest generation Park Assist.

(see detailed description on pages 14 to 17)


… and permanent connectivity

The new PEUGEOT 3008 is like its driver – it moves with the times. So it meets the need to stay connected at the wheel and to be able to navigate calmly and peacefully, thanks to features likeMirror Screeninduction Smartphone recharging (for equipment compatible with the Qi standard) and 3D connected navigation.

The 3D navigation stretches realism even further by displaying images of buildings and monuments, whilst taking into account the contours of the terrain. With a simple touch of a knob on the wheel, it can be copied from the touch-screen to the digital instrument unit for easier viewing. With TomTom® Traffic its connectivity gives real-time visibility of events essential to the journey and access to various information: local weather, car-parks, service stations etc. There is also an option to subscribe to TomTom® risk areas and to receive reliable information on permanent danger areas and temporary risk areas reported by the community.

With the Mirror Screen function, a Smartphone screen can be reproduced on the touch-screen to make best use of its applications. It is compatible with MirrorLink protocols (Android smartphones), Android Auto and Apple CarplayTM (iPhone 5 onwards). And with a simple touch of a button on the steering wheel, there is a remote voice recognition function through the smartphone (Android S-Voice and Apple Siri). Without taking his eyes off the road, and in complete safety, new possibilities are opened up to the driver: make calls, choose music, read and send text messages, get route information…permanent connectivity in operation!

With the PEUGEOT Connect pack, even greater possibilities are opened up in three areas: navigation, safety (Peugeot Connect SOS & Assistance) and maintenance (PEUGEOT Connect pack teleservices).

All this information is served up to the driver in the simplest and most intuitive way possible. The interfaces provided by the new PEUGEOT 3008 at last allow these functions to be used in peace!


Design intelligence for practical use

This design intelligence does not end at providing vehicle occupants with the best comfort and safety features available on the market. The new PEUGEOT 3008 encourages its occupants to share unforgettable moments in it and so has to ensure maximum versatility. This wide-ranging modularity, together with its clever features have been thought out to meet all expectations and handle all situations. An unusual load? The 2/3-1/3 split-folding “Magic Flat” rear seat produces a flat load-floor. Need to keep your things separate? Want easy loading or to make the most of you leisure activities? The innovative two-position sliding floor makes for easy use of the boot space and you can even sit on it comfortably without getting dirty. An especially long load? The fold-flat passenger seat gives a load-space 3 metres long! And on all versions, the rear seat centre armrest is fitted with a ski-flap….. To this clever versatility you can add a hands-free tailgate, where with a simple movement of the foot beneath the rear bumper the motorised tailgate can be opened or closed. In fact, the ingenuity of the new PEUGEOT 3008 lends itself to all configurations!

It also benefits from an optimised architecture, opening the way for dimensions at the heart of the market but among the largest interior space!

(see detailed description on pages 10 and 11)

Thus, as for the interior cabin space, the boot capacity is markedly improved over the previous generation. As well as a capacity of 520 l VDA 210, it also has one of the lowest loading heights in its class.

(see detailed description on page 12)

This optimised architecture also brings a step-change in weight. The beneficial effects of the new EMP2 platform, coupled with a genuine optimisation of the weight/volume/equipment ratio at all levels give an average weight gain of 100kg over the previous generation. The new PEUGEOT 3008 starts from kerb weights of only 1325kg for petrol and 1375kg for diesel versions.

(see detailed description on page 12)


An engine range which is powerful…and parsimonious!

All this effort expended on vehicle architecture and weight reduction is a major factor in the never-ending search for reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. But that is not all. Aerodynamic design and optimised external dimensions lead to an excellent CxA of 0.76 m(on the best versions). And the use of Ultra Low Rolling Resistance (ULRR) tyres in 17” and 18” or even a 19’’slimline fitment developed by Michelin (205 55 R19) also contribute to the efficiency of the new PEUGEOT 3008.

Finally, whether petrol or Diesel, the new PEUGEOT 3008 SUV in Europe benefits from a range of Euro6.1 engines which are powerful….yet give ultra-low consumption.

Hence, all petrol versions are best in Class in their power range! The 1,2L PureTech 130 S&S engine posts from 115g CO2 / km whilst the 1.6L THP 165 S&S 6-speed auto emits only 129 g/km of CO2. There are 4 power-plants in the range:

  • 1.2L PureTech 130 S&S 6SMT (6-speed manual transmission) in standard and very-low consumption versions
  • 1.2L PureTech 130 S&S 6-speed auto
  • 1.6L THP 165 S&S 6-speed auto

For Diesels, BlueHDi technology keeps emissions for the range between 100 and 121 g/km of CO2for power outputs of 100, 120 and 150 hp. The 1.6L BlueHDi and 2.0L BlueHDi installations are also among the best on the market:

  • 1.6L BlueHDi 100 S&S BVM5
  • 1.6L BlueHDi 120 S&S 6SMT (6-speed manual transmission) in standard and very-low consumption versions
  • 1.6L BlueHDi 120 S&S 6-speed auto
  • 2.0L BlueHDi 150 S&S 6SMT (6-speed manual transmission)
  • 2.0L BlueHDi 180 S&S 6-speed auto


Extended mobility – innovation at work!

In a context where access to town centres has become more and more difficult, PEUGEOT has positioned itself as a supplier of innovative solutions to today’s mobility problems. It is still the only brand offering two, three and four-wheeled solutions and is using the launch of the new PEUGEOT 3008 to offer its customers a new personal mobility solution:

  • An electrically assisted folding scooter (e-Kick) by MICRO
  • An electrically assisted folding bicycle (e-Bike) by PEUGEOT

This unique offer is aimed at customers looking for complementary solutions to their vehicle to complete the last part of their journey. The daily life of the city-dweller has been transformed: no more limitations! Long live freedom!

Moreover, to ensure perfect integration into the boot and immediate availability, “dockstations” hold the e-Kick or e-Bike in place in the boot and recharge the batteries whilst the vehicle is running.


Made in France

The new PEUGEOT 3008 is produced in the Sochaux plant, and the French Trémery and Douvrin factories supply all the power-plants. It will therefore carry from the outset the “Origine France Garantie” label.

The new PEUGEOT 3008 will be presented to the public for the first time at the 2016 Paris Motorshow and will go on sale worldwide from October.

Follow all the latest at #SUVPeugeot3008



The new PEUGEOT 3008 in detail

1 - Optimised architecture

The new PEUGEOT 3008 SUV is not only attractive to look at, it is also well thought-out, enjoying performance and features are in line with the best in the segment and up to the reputation of the brand.

At 4.45m in length it is positioned at the heart of the segment. And although it is 8cm longer than the previous generation, this extra length can be found in the wheelbase - and thus in the passenger space – which at 2 675 mm, increases by 62mm over the old 3008. This wheelbase is one of the longest on the market. With a width of 1.84m (the same as the previous generation but with enhanced interior space) the height of the new PEUGEOT 3008 has been kept to 1.62 m (including roof bars), a key factor in a remarkable aerodynamic performance whilst affording its occupants excellent head-room.

It is imposing, with its large wheels and 22cm ground clearance.

Inside, all key passenger dimensions are improved over the previous generation:

  • Rear legroom +24 mm
  • Front elbow room: + 17 mm
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