Чешская компания рассказала, чем планирует удивлять посетителей Женевского автосалона. Шоу-стоппером будет пятидверное концептуальное купе Skoda VisionC, но его фотографий у нас пока нет, поэтому показываем филейную часть самой дорогой модификации Skoda Octavia L&K. Будут в Женеве и другие новинки.

Более двух тысяч квадратных метров Женевского павильона и ни одной существенно новой машины — как-то так можно описать большой пресс-релиз компании Skoda. Новую «Фабию» Skoda в Женеве не покажет. Впрочем, в 2013 году чехи вывели на рынок новую «Октавию», «Рапид», «Рапид Спейсбэк», обновили «Йети» и «Суперб». Именно поэтому Женева 2014 года станет местом демонстрации очередного концепта, а также площадкой для смотрин более дорогих версий уже знакомых моделей. В частности, приставку Monte Carlo получит кроссовер Yeti, хетчбэк Rapid Spaceback и ситикар Citigo. 

Главным экспонатом станет концепт Skoda VisionC. Это будет «эмоциональное» купе, которое намекнёт на будущее автомобилей чешской марки. Автопроизводитель сообщает, что прототип Skoda VisionC призван заявить об амбициях «Шкоды» в более высоких сегментах. Skoda VisionC — пятидверного купе с «выразительным дизайном, чистыми линиями и идеальными пропорциями». Второй новинкой станет вседорожная полноприводная Skoda Octavia Scout с пластиковыми молдинагами и клиренсом в 171 мм. 

Кроме того чехи везут в Женеву Skoda Octavia G-TEC — газифицированную «Октавию», которая заботится об окружающей среде. Машина с 1,4-литровым мотором обеспечит 920 километров пути от одной заправки и станет самой экономичной «Октавией». Также Skoda покажет в Женеве эксклюзивную версию Octavia L&K. Пакет опций L&K предложат во второй половине 2014 года для универсалов и лифтбэков с 1,8- и 2-литровыми моторами. Набор опций включит в себя 18-дюймовые алюминиевые диски, биксеноновые фары, отделку салона коричневой кожей и премиальную аудиосистему. 

Семья специальных версий Skoda Monte Carlo расширится до пяти моделей. Красным цветом и контрастными элементами экстерьера теперь будут отличаться не только «Фабии», но также ситикар Citigo (фото выше), кроссовер Yeti (фото ниже) и хетчбэк Rapid Spaceback. Околоспортивные модификации Monte Carlo предложат черные алюминиевые диски, тонированные задние и боковые окна, черную крышу, спортивные сидения и руль, прошитый красной ниткой. В Украине модификации «Монте-Карло» не предлагают, но после Женевы, возможно, будут. 

The "SKODA VisionC" design study on show in Geneva is a milestone on the brand's design language. "In recent years, SKODA has established itself as a high-volume brand in international automobile markets," says Werner Eichhorn, SKODA Board Member for Sales and Marketing. "The brand has been placing increasing emphasis on technology, design, functionality and internationality. We are continuing along this route. Our vehicles are becoming more expressive, dynamic and emotionally-charged," says Eichhorn.

"SKODA VisionC" is the design study of a dynamically elegant five-door coupe. The vehicle is impressive with its expressive design, pure lines and perfect proportions. At the same time, this SKODA design study is sophisticated in terms of functionality and environmental friendliness. It is generously spacious, as we have come to expect of SKODA, with an innovative natural gas drive system and excellent aerodynamic efficiency.

By launching a five-door coupe, a first for the brand, SKODA is also making it clear that this manufacturer is not afraid of new vehicle concepts. "The 'SKODA VisionC is an emotional icon, a clear signal of the dynamism of a brand that is forging ahead," says Eichhorn. 

SKODA Octavia Scout - an all-rounder ready for adventure

The new SKODA Octavia Scout is celebrating its world launch in Geneva. With the new edition, the Czechs are presenting their best ever Octavia Scout. The crossover-model is a true scout, with robust off-road looks, outstanding drive qualities even on difficult ground, powerful modern all-wheel drive and innovative technology. In addition to its versatility, the new SKODA Octavia Scout has all the best qualities of the new Octavia: highly functional, wonderfully spacious, with an excellent value and up-to-date safety and comfort systems.

This vehicle has real character. With its striking adventurous looks, this multi-talented performer cuts just as good a figure on the streets as it does off-road. Distinctive visual features are powerful front and rear bumpers and all-round plastic mouldings. Ground clearance has been raised to 171 mm making it 33 mm higher than the standard Octavia and there are some Scout-specific design features in the interior.

All-wheel drive technology provides excellent drive quality even off-road. The all-wheel drive utilises a fifth-generation Haldex clutch. The new Octavia Scout wins points too for excellent steep-slope performance and high traction capacity. The Octavia Scout also has an innovative rear multi-link axle.

There are two diesel and one petrol engine to choose from, with engine capacities up to 135 kW. By comparison with the previous model, emissions and consumption values for the new Octavia Scout have been significantly reduced (by 20 percent on average).

SKODA has been offering a Scout variant of the Octavia since 2007. By the end of 2013 a total of around 53,600 Octavia Scouts had been sold. This represents almost 8% of the total number of Octavia Combis delivered over that period. 

SKODA Octavia G-TEC - affordable technology that cares for the environment

Also under the spotlight at the world premiere in Geneva is the new SKODA Octavia G-TEC - the first mass-produced Octavia with natural gas drive. "SKODA has rigorously reduced consumption and emissions in the development of its vehicles," says Dr. Frank Welsch, SKODA Board Member for Technical Development and Design. The new Octavia G-TEC represents an important milestone and has enhanced the SKODA range with particularly environmentally-friendly and affordable models.

The SKODA Octavia G-TEC is the ultimate fuel economiser. The maximum range of the 1.4 TSI/81 kW Octavia G-TEC is 1,330 km. The engine can use both compressed natural gas (CNG) and petrol fuels. Two full gas tanks will last a distance of up to 410 km. When the CNG tanks are empty, the vehicle switches over automatically to run on petrol. Running entirely on petrol, the range is up to 920 km. The Octavia G-TEC comes fitted with the environmentally-friendly Green tec package (start-stop system and brake energy recovery as standard). Fuel consumption is 5.4 m3 (3.5 kg) natural gas per 100 km with CO2 emissions of just 97 g/km.

The environmentally-friendly natural gas drive is available for both the SKODA Octavia and the SKODA Octavia Combi. The Octavia is the Czech manufacturer's second natural gas vehicle. SKODA has had a natural gas variant for the Citigo city car in its range since the end of 2011.

Natural gas drive is an important pillar of SKODA's sustainability strategy. Outstanding environmental values are offered by the economical, low-emission SKODA GreenLine models. Currently there are 97 SKODA models with emission values below 120 g CO2/km, 17 of which have values under 100 g CO2/km.

SKODA Octavia L&K - exclusive elegance

The SKODA Octavia L&K launched in Geneva communicates exclusive elegance. L&K stands for Laurin & Klement, the founding fathers of the Czech brand. The classy L&K package is available for the Octavia and the Octavia Combi.

L&K features include: 18-inch aluminium wheels, bi-xenon headlamps with LED daytime driving lights and LED rear lights. In the interior there is a 4-spoke multifunction steering wheel, leather/Alcantara seats in elegant brown, the CANTON sound system and newly-designed decorative trims.

The new Octavia L&K forges ahead with three powerful engines: the 1.8 TSI/132 kW petrol engine and two diesel engines: the 2.0 TDI/110 kW and the 2.0 TDI/135 kW. The 1.8 TSI/132 kW and 2.0 TDI/110 kW engines are available either with manual or automatic DSG transmission. The 1.8 TSI with 6-speed DSG is also available with all-wheel drive, as is the manual transmission 2.0 TDI/110 kW. The top-of-the line 2.0 TDI/135 kW engine with combined 6-speed DSG and all-wheel drive will be introduced in the second half of 2014. 

The SKODA Monte Carlo model family expands to five models

In Geneva, SKODA will set a decidedly sporty tone with the simultaneous launch of three special Monte Carlo editions. For the first time, the manufacturer will present Monte Carlo variants of the SKODA Citigo, SKODA Yeti and SKODA Rapid Spaceback. With the existing SKODA Fabia and SKODA Fabia Combi, there will now be five Monte Carlo special models available from SKODA.

These sportily-designed vehicles have impressive black aluminium wheels in sizes 15 to 17 inches, dark-tinted rear and back side windows (SunSet) and distinctive design features in black. The Yeti and the Rapid Spaceback Monte Carlo have a black roof. The interior of the Monte Carlo models have a special red-stitched steering wheel, black interior and sports seats with distinct fabric design.

These special models represent SKODA's successes in motorsport. The manufacturer has one of the longest histories in motorsport and has collected countless victories on the international motorsport scene, including in the Monte Carlo Rally. 2013 was one of the most successful years in the history of SKODA motorsport with the European Rally Championship, the Asia-Pacific Rally, the South American Rally Championship and five other national championship titles. 

The model offensive continues in 2014

In 2014 SKODA will continue the biggest model offensive of the company's history with renewed vigour. The attractive model range, good order intake and increasing positive signs in the European automobile markets give SKODA reason to be confident for 2014. The brand had a successful start in 2014. 80,900 vehicles were sold in January, 16.5 percent more than in the same period of the previous year. These are SKODA's best ever January sales results.

In the years to come, the manufacturer wants to increase world sales to at least 1.5 million vehicles per year. In addition, the company will be launching on average one new or redesigned model every six months.

Together with the model offensive, the company will intensify its sales activities on the European and international markets. In addition to Europe, there will be a special focus on the growth markets of China, Russia and India.

In China local production of the new Octavia for the Chinese market will commence in the spring of 2014. With the launch of the third generation of this best-selling SKODA model in China, the company intends to further develop its position in its strongest sales market. In January 2014 the manufacturer increased its output in China by 27.3 percent to 27,500 units and sold more cars in that country in one month than ever before.

One important cornerstone of SKODA's plans for international growth is Russia. Russia is SKODA's third strongest market worldwide and second-strongest in Europe. SKODA produces cars in Russia at two sites: in Nizhny Novgorod in collaboration with the Russian GAZ Group and at the Kaluga Volkswagen plant. The SKODA Rapid will commence production there in the spring of 2014.

In India SKODA celebrated the exhibition premiere of the completely revised SKODA Superb and the completely redesigned SKODA Yeti at the beginning of February 2014. In the middle of 2013, SKODA also introduced the new SKODA Octavia to the subcontinent. 

2013 a record year with eight new or completely redesigned models

2013 was a challenging year but SKODA showed its strengths. With eight new or completely redesigned vehicles, 2013 was a record year for the Czech manufacturer. With an entire series of model launches, the manufacturer achieved a volume of 920,800 vehicle deliveries to customers; its second-best sales result in the company's entire history. SKODA made encouraging gains in the second half of the year in particular, when the new models became fully available.The new SKODA Octavia has proved to be a real hit with high two-figure growth rates in Europe. In the period between September and December 2013, Octavia sales in Western Europe alone rose by around 17 percent compared to the same period the previous year. The new SKODA Octavia continues 'on a roll'. At the beginning of 2014 its sales in Western Europe rose by 40.2 percent.


Igor Sorokin
Igor Sorokin
12 лет за рулем, Симферополь
Ford Fiesta (2002) 2006
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