Picture this: you're a cop, and during your routine check, you come across a snapshot of a dog supposedly driving a vehicle. That's exactly the scene that unfolded for officials in Slovakia.

In the Trnava district of Slovakia, law enforcement might have thought it was a joke at first glance. They viewed footage from a speed camera that showed a brown hunting dog, seemingly in control, sitting in the driver's seat of a Skoda Kamiq. The dog was cruising along the street, and there seemed to be no humans inside the SUV.

The enigma was cleared up shortly after when a police unit pulled over the Skoda Kamiq in the Sterusy village. The SUV was clocked at 10 km/h (7 mph) above the permissible speed. The car's owner, a man of 31, initially claimed that his dog had jumped onto his lap out of the blue. The captured video, however, didn't support his claim.

The faithful dog appeared puzzled by his owner's actions, leading the officers to slap a fine on the man for violating traffic rules. It's still undetermined whether the fine was for speeding or for failing to safely restrain his pet while driving. Regardless, such conduct is deemed inappropriate, as animals should never be in a position to drive a car, irrespective of their skill level.

This isn't the first instance of a dog showcasing driving tendencies, but it's indeed a rarity. Through a lighthearted social media post, the Polícia SR Trnavský kraj confirmed the authenticity of the photograph and denied any alterations. Additionally, the police underscored the potential dangers of even small pets when on the move, reminding motorists to always ensure their animals are securely fastened when in a vehicle.

Source: Polícia SR – Trnavský kraj

Tags: weird
Евгений Ушаков
Evgenii Ushakov
15 years driving