Netflix is set to launch a new show titled "Resurrected Rags" on July 24, inspired by the popular MTV series "Pimp My Ride." Hosted by Chris Redd, this eight-episode series aims to transform everyday cars into extraordinary ones, echoing the original show's flair for extreme auto modifications.

"Pimp My Ride," which aired from 2004 to 2007 on MTV, was renowned for its dramatic makeovers that included everything from high-end sound systems to eccentric features like chocolate fountains. Xzibit hosted the show during its run, and it featured customization work primarily by West Coast Customs before switching to Galpin Auto Sports in later seasons.

As we await further details like the trailer, public curiosity grows regarding whether "Resurrected Rides" can truly parallel 'Pimp My Ride' in terms of imaginative car transformations. The excitement revolves around how faithfully this new iteration will replicate or enhance those jaw-dropping vehicle makeovers that once captivated viewers worldwide.

“We took the spirit and knowledge from the original [series] and reimagined it with a hilarious host, brand-new cast, plus the eye-popping technology and culture of today,” said executive producer Rick Hurvitz. “This is an aspirational and wish-fulfillment show with a comedic lens, and we’re excited to give deserving folks a mind-blowing automotive makeover,” said executive producer Ari Shofet, who also produced Pimp My Ride with Hurvitz.

Source: Netflix

Tags: tuning
Евгений Ушаков
Evgenii Ushakov
15 years driving