Intel has unveiled a new GPU (graphics processing unit, sometimes called a graphics or video card) for cars, bringing high-quality gaming to vehicles. The company's Arc A760A discrete GPU will power advanced in-car entertainment systems, with the first vehicles featuring this technology expected to hit the roads by 2025.

Car buyers are putting more importance on in-vehicle entertainment, and Intel aims to meet this demand. The new GPU will support up to seven high-definition screens, render 3D graphics, and work with six in-vehicle cameras. It'll run triple-A gaming titles, power entertainment systems, and handle AI-powered productivity apps.

The Arc A760A will do more than just entertain. It'll make controlling vehicle systems easier through voice, camera, and gesture recognition. The GPU will use natural language processing to carry out complex vehicle control commands, answer questions about the car, and even chat with users.

Intel has built a robust software ecosystem around this new technology. Over 500 features and AI apps are already available for automobiles, with more than 100 independent software vendors working on new in-vehicle experiences. The GPU is fully compatible with software developed for Intel's integrated GPU PC platform, making it easier for developers to create apps for cars.

This move is part of Intel's strategy to become the go-to partner for automakers and to expand its offerings beyond the traditional PC market. The company faces some challenges, though. It's had recent issues with PC chips and might have to lay off up to 15,000 employees.

As of now, Intel hasn't revealed any automotive partners for this new technology. We'll have to wait and see which car manufacturers will be the first to incorporate these powerful GPUs into their vehicles.

Source: Intel

Теги: new technologies
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