Freezing temperatures and gusty winds wreaked havoc in many regions of the United States, even Seattle which rarely sees such frigid weather. Driving conditions became treacherous for some motorists due to these abnormal circumstances.

The YouTube video from Pacific Northwest Weather Watch depicts a parked Tesla Model S losing traction, sliding on thick ice and colliding with a Police Ford Explorer Interceptor that appears to be stranded in the slippery conditions. Seconds later, the electric sedan continues down the street and then crashes into a telephone pole. Luckily, all the action recorder on camera is at very low speed and it is highly unlikely that anyone got hurt.

Judging from the video, it looks like the Tesla's parking brake is engaged as we can tell that its rear wheels remain fully blocked. There isn't much one could do in a situation such as this to avoid crashing into other vehicles or objects; however, an excellent go-to rule of thumb would be to direct your wheel towards the curb and attempt to decelerate your car swiftly.

In a different sector of Seattle, surveillance footage reveals an even more alarming incident. A Subaru, allegedly with no driver inside it, slides downhill and crashes into several other vehicles on its way before stalling at the intersection's center. Fortunately though, this occurred in slow motion and thus nobody was injured.

Is there a way to stop such calamities from transpiring? Regrettably, if you're driving on the roads, little can be done. The sole useful advice is - don't travel and remain at home as much as possible.

Source: Motor1

Tags: Accidents USA
Евгений Ушаков
Evgenii Ushakov
15 years driving