According to a new study from a London university, men who own flashy sports cars may be compensating for feelings of inadequacy about their penis size.

The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, surveyed 200 men between the ages of 18 and 74. The researchers found that men who believed they had smaller-than-average penises were more likely to express interest in purchasing a sports car.

The study's authors used a unique approach to measure penis size and interest in sports cars, by manipulating the participants' memory during a multi-tasking session. The participants were told misleading statements about penis length, intended to make some participants believe that they have a smaller penis, while others were led to believe that they have a larger penis. After the session, the two groups were then asked to rate their interest in sports cars.

"Our primary hypothesis was that ratings for sports cars would increase when male participants were manipulated to believe that they have relatively small penis," the study authors said. "We tested a secondary hypothesis, that the link is driven by self-esteem in general, with other trials in that contained manipulated facts that might impact self-esteem in different ways, and a variety of luxury and non-luxury products. Finally, we analysed participants age, since it determines both mating strategies and patterns.

"The key experimental trial told participants that the average erect penis size of other men was either 18 cm (small penis / low self-esteem) or 10 cm* (large penis / high self-esteem) and was always followed by a rating of one of six sports cars. On four trials, they were given either the original fact, or a version with one detail changed, and asked if the statement was true or false. After the experiment trials, participants were told that some of the facts they had been told were incorrect, and they were asked to give their estimates of the true values of these facts, including the true average penis size."

The study found that participants over the age of 29 were more likely to express interest in buying a sports car if they believed they had a smaller-than-average penis. The researchers suggest that other flashy, desirable items may also be linked to feelings of inadequacy.

Source: Autoblog

Теги: british scientists
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