In a heart-wrenching incident, the police in the German state of Saxony had to temporarily close a highway after a dog was seen mourning its recently killed friend on the road.

The incident took place on Autobahn 72, where one of the two dogs was hit by a car near Zwickau-Ost, and the other one was seen jumping around the deceased dog. When the police arrived at the scene, they found a mixed-breed dog defending the deceased dog, visibly in grief. With the help of additional police officers, the authorities closed the highway in both directions for about an hour and a half. The surviving dog was eventually calmed down and taken to an animal shelter since the owner could not be found. 

The incident serves as a reminder of the strong emotional bonds that dogs can form with their fellow canines. It is a common belief that dogs do not experience emotions the way humans do, but several studies suggest otherwise. Dogs are capable of experiencing a wide range of emotions, including love, grief, and anxiety. The mourning behavior displayed by the dog in Saxony is just one example of how deep the bond between dogs can be. 

It is essential to be cautious when driving, especially in areas where animals are known to cross the road. While the incident in Saxony was heartbreaking, it also highlights the need for people to be more aware of the presence of animals on the roads. Taking precautions and being vigilant while driving can help prevent such accidents from happening, allowing both humans and animals to stay safe.

Source: Heute

Tags: Accidents
Евгений Ушаков
Evgenii Ushakov
15 years driving