ORLEN Unipetrol has opened its second public hydrogen refueling station (HRS) in the Czech Republic located at an ORLEN Benzina station in Záluží u Litvínova.

The ORLEN Benzina filling station in Záluží u Litvínova (on the Road I/27 roundabout close to the Litvínov Refinery) is a full self-service site that is available to the public 24/7. The new HRS has the same parameters as the first site opened in Prague-Barrandov back in March, suitable for refueling passenger cars, trucks, and buses. It offers two nozzles with different head shapes to fill in cars with pressure of 700 bar and trucks and buses with 350 bar.

The price of hydrogen at ORLEN Benzina stations was set at CZK 278 (11,65 Euro) per kg. A hydrogen-powered vehicle consuming 1 kg of hydrogen per 100 km takes about 5 kg of hydrogen.

The company is also actively advancing plans to expand the hydrogen refueling network throughout Poland, with new publicly accessible stations in Poznań and Katowice expected to be operational in the coming months.

“Building hydrogen infrastructure is part of our plan for strategic development towards emissions neutrality which we want to reach by 2050 at the latest. We emphasize the development of the petrochemical segment, decarbonisation, digitalisation, recycling, and utilization of alternative energy sources, including biofuels and hydrogen. By 2030, we will have invested CZK 35 billion in this respect,” said Tomasz Wiatrak, CEO at ORLEN Unipetrol Group.

ORLEN Unipetrol offers a host of alternative energy sources across its ORLEN Benzina network, the largest chain in the Czech Republic with 436 stations. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is available at 56 locations, compressed natural gas (CNG) at 47 sites, and there are 244 charging points for electric vehicles at 61 stations nationwide.

Source: ORLEN Unipetrol

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