Heart-wrenchingly, dogs sometimes experience pain, and a loss of mobility can occasionally result from that. Fortunately, there are engineers walking among us, and a few of the ones working for Ford have developed a free wheelchair to help them get around.

Engineers working with Ford of Mexico have taken time out of their busy days to design a wheelchair that can be 3D printed anywhere on earth for free, and doesn’t the thought of that just fill your heart so full that it could burst?

Ford says that the “P-Raptor” has been designed to help dogs join “the most powerful family in the automotive industry, the ‘Performance’ family.” Living up to its name, the wheelchair has been designed with large wheels to help it conquer any terrain, just like the F-150 Raptor.

Just like that truck, it also comes with a blue oval badge in front, and headlights, to help dogs navigate their surroundings at night. In addition, it can have electric motors installed in the wheels to ease the strain on its operator. Meanwhile, to help it work for as many dogs as possible, the wheels can go at the front or the rear of the body.

It has also been designed to accommodate dogs whose limbs are still present but can’t support their weight. With adjustable harnesses, a single P-Raptor is designed to fit multiple body shapes. Since it is also free to 3D print, owners can enter their pet’s dimensions into the website as they’re downloading the design file to have it fit perfectly.

“The objective of using 3D printing technology is that a greater number of people and associations can have access to P-Raptor, taking into account that this type of printing has become more popular in recent years and the costs have gone down, making it a more accessible product,” said Santiago Muleir, Product Development Engineer.

Ford of Mexico says that the P-Raptor will be free to download soon, and once printed, it is easy to assemble. We can’t wait to see it in action.

Source: Ford

Теги: Ford
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