Researchers in Australia successfully powered the grid using electric vehicles (EVs) for ten minutes during a major storm in Canberra, marking a world-first for this type of vehicle-to-grid emergency response.

When a storm disrupted power to tens of thousands of homes, the batteries of EVs were utilized to supply electricity to the grid. Dr. Bjorn Sturmberg, Senior Research Fellow at the Australian National University and lead author of the study, said, “It’s the first time in the world this type of vehicle-to-grid response to an emergency has been demonstrated. It shows electric vehicles can provide the backup we need in an emergency like this.”

The research team maintains a fleet of 51 EVs across Canberra that monitor the grid whenever they’re plugged in, ready to provide short bursts of power to stabilize the system during outages. “They’re essentially big batteries on wheels,” Sturmberg noted.

During the blackout, 16 EVs across Canberra discharged power into the grid, delivering a total of 107 kilowatts of support. These vehicles are programmed to respond automatically during such emergencies.

The team acknowledges the need to balance the increasing number of EVs with grid security. They pointed out that simultaneous evening charging by EV owners could strain the grid. During the February emergency, once the vehicles had supplied power for ten minutes, some resumed charging by default. Sturmberg suggested that delaying charging for an hour or two in such situations would cause minimal inconvenience.

Ross De Rango, head of energy and infrastructure at the Electric Vehicle Council, sees vehicle-to-grid technology as a significant opportunity for Australia. He stated that this technology could reduce power bills and facilitate the closure of coal and gas-fired power stations sooner. De Rango emphasized that consumer consent is crucial, as drivers decide whether their cars are plugged in and available for grid support.

Source: ABC

Евгений Ушаков
Evgenii Ushakov
15 years driving