The ambitious Bentley Residences will offer all residents a multi-car garage with space for charging stations.

The Bentley Residences project pays special attention to residents' cars. They won't have to leave their car in the underground car park, instead the car will be taken directly to the floor by a freight elevator called the Dezervator, named after Dezer Development.

A total of four Dezervator elevators will be installed. Everyone is able to lift one car together with the driver and passengers up to the last 61 floors. To access the elevator, the car will need to be equipped with an RFID tag, upon recognition of which the system will automatically raise the vehicle to the desired floor. 

Garages on the floors, depending on the layout of the apartments, can be 106 or 144 square meters. Each room has all the necessary wiring and equipment for charging electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

Bentley Residences is scheduled to be commissioned in 2026. However, you can already buy an apartment in a luxury complex at a price of $4.2 million.

Source: Bentley

Tags: Bentley
Евгений Ушаков
Evgenii Ushakov
15 years driving