The E|MPOWER project, valued at €7.5 million, started in July 2022 and involves the installation of wireless Electric Road System (ERS) technology on a 1 km stretch of Autobahn in Northern Bavaria.

ERS is an inductive charging technology that enables the contactless transfer of energy to moving and stationary vehicles. The authors say that if it is scaled up, this would reduce range anxiety, lower the cost of owning an electric car and reduce the need for battery capacity.

E|MPOWER is a joint project of Eurovia (part of the VINCI Group) and Electreon. The pilot program is supported by German Autobahn GmbH and funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection.

Electreon Previously, ElectReon completed a dynamic wireless charging system on a public road in Gotland, Sweden that was 1.65 km long.

In Germany, this is the second project of its kind after the first inductive solution in Karlsruhe in 2021. The new 1-kilometer-long wireless charging section on the autobahn in Northern Bavaria will use reduced construction methods to bring down costs and time needed for completion.

The announcement for the new project that started in July is only now being released to the public. It is still undecided if every electric car with inductive charging capability can charge on the test track, or if only specific vehicles like buses or taxis are allowed to use it during the trial. Also, there are few only EVs that have this ability.

Source: Businesswire

Евгений Ушаков
Evgenii Ushakov
15 years driving