Rheinmetall curb chargers are almost invisible and can be used to solve the challenges posed by other charging systems. These systems include large space requirements, low point density, aesthetic downsides, and high cost.

Unlike other charging solutions on the market, the Rheinmetall approach makes intelligent use of existing urban infrastructure. By integrating charging electronics into the curb stone, it becomes a de facto "charging pole", but without the drawbacks conventional pole-type charging stations cause for other road users. Moreover, electric vehicles can be charged directly at the curb, with no need to stretch a long cable across the sidewalk

The curbside chargers will have the ability to charge rapidly, up to 22 kW according to Rheinmetall. They say that outfitting complete streets and parking lots with these small loaders is a relative breeze. Since curbs can be removed without issue, maintaining the chargers should only take a few minutes at most. The company believes they can make a large contribution to Germany's goal of having one million public charging points by 2030.

Source: Rheinmetall

Евгений Ушаков
Evgenii Ushakov
15 years driving