Despite global trends toward downsizing and stricter emissions standards, Porsche has confirmed that its V8 engine will remain in production into the 2030s.

Porsche has been working to update the V8 engine to comply with the upcoming Euro 7 emissions standards.

The Euro 7 standards, initially set for implementation in 2025, have been delayed until 2030. Porsche's updates to the V8 engine are specifically aimed at meeting these new regulations. Thomas Freimuth, the Porsche Panamera model line boss, spoke to Car Sales about this development: "We know this engine is ready for EU7, it's no problem. We have to add some parts which are in development, so we are ready with this V8 to go to the EU7 regulations."

One of the notable aspects of Porsche's strategy involves maintaining the V8 without resorting to hybrid technology. This approach is noteworthy given other industry responses to strict emissions and noise level regulations. Freimuth mentioned the maximum exhaust noise level permitted, which he believes will continue to go down over the years. Tougher legislation regarding noise levels "makes it more complicated to get a good emotion to our Panamera V8."

Looking to the future, Porsche has ambitious plans regarding electric vehicles. According to their Annual and Sustainability Report 2023, the company projects that over 80% of its annual deliveries will be EVs by 2030. These projections depend heavily on factors such as customer demand and the pace at which electromobility develops across different regions.

Source: Car Sales

Tags: Porsche
Евгений Ушаков
Evgenii Ushakov
15 years driving